> 文章列表 > 学校的春节英语怎么写单词





学校的春节英语怎么写呢?春节是中国的传统节日,也被称为Chinese New Year。它是在农历1月1日庆祝的。在新年除夕,家人会围坐在一起享用一顿丰盛的晚餐。桌子上摆满了各种蔬菜、鱼和肉类,象征着丰收和幸福。除夕晚上还有烟花和舞龙舞狮等庆祝活动,人们穿着盛装,欢庆新的一年的到来。Spring Festival is a traditional festival of Chinese people. It is celebrated on the first day of January according to the lunar calendar.On New Year\'s Eve, family members gather around the table to enjoy a grand feast. The table is filled with various vegetables, fish, and meat, symbolizing abundance and happiness. There are also fireworks and performances, such as dragon and lion dances, on New Year\'s Eve to celebrate the arrival of the new year. People dress up in their best clothes and rejoice in the start of a new year.



Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival, is a traditional festival in China. It is celebrated on the first day of January according to the lunar calendar. During this festival, people gather with their families and have a big dinner. The dinner consists of various dishes, including vegetables, fish, and meat. In addition to the delicious food, there are also fireworks and performances to entertain everyone. People dress up in traditional clothes and exchange red envelopes filled with money as a symbol of good luck. Chinese New Year is a time of joy and celebration for all.




The Spring Festival

The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in China. It marks the beginning of a new year according to the lunar calendar. During this festival, families come together and celebrate with a big feast. People also visit their relatives and friends, exchange gifts, and wish each other good luck for the coming year. There are many traditional activities during the Spring Festival, such as lion dances, dragon dances, and lantern festivals. It is a time of joy and happiness for everyone.

A Happy New Year

The Spring Festival is a time for celebrations and happiness. It is the most important festival in China. People prepare for the Spring Festival by cleaning their houses, buying new clothes, and decorating their homes. On New Year\'s Eve, families gather together and enjoy a delicious dinner. They also stay up late to welcome the new year. During the Spring Festival, children receive red envelopes filled with money from their elders. It is believed to bring them good luck. The Spring Festival is a time to be with family, have fun, and look forward to a prosperous year ahead.




  • New Year\'s Day(元旦)
  • The Spring Festival(春节)
  • The Lantern Festival(元宵节)
  • International Working Women\'s Day(国际劳动妇女节)
  • April Fool\'s Day(愚人节)
  • Children\'s Day(儿童节)
  • Dragon Boat Festival(端午节)
  • Mid-Autumn Festival(中秋节)
  • National Day(国庆节)
  • Christmas(圣诞节)



在英语写作中,句首的单词通常需要大写。因此,用英语书写春节相关的词汇时,前面的the需要大写。例如:The Spring Festival(春节)、The Lantern Festival(元宵节)等。



我们学校将举行元旦联欢,英文翻译为\"Our school will hold a New Year\'s Day celebration\"。




  • The Spring Festival(春节)
  • Lunar calendar(农历)
  • Lunar January(正月)
  • New Year\'s Eve(除夕)
  • Fireworks(烟花)
  • Red envelope(红包)
  • Family reunion(家庭团聚)
  • Good luck(好运)
  • Tradition(传统)
  • Celebration(庆祝)




  • 元旦(New Year\'s Day)- 1月1日
  • 情人节(Valentine\'s Day)- 2月14日
  • 妇女节(International Working Women\'s Day)- 3月8日
  • 愚人节(April Fool\'s Day)- 4月1日
  • 儿童节(Children\'s Day)- 6月1日
  • 国庆节(National Day)- 10月1日
  • 万圣节(Halloween)- 10月31日
  • 感恩节(Thanksgiving)- 11月的第四个星期四
  • 圣诞节(Christmas)- 12月25日
  • 元宵节(Lantern Festival)- 农历正月十五(春节之后)







The Spring Festival

The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It is celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy by Chinese people all over the world. During this festival, families come together to celebrate the new year and wish each other good luck. The celebrations usually include delicious food, dragon and lion dances, fireworks, and the exchange of red envelopes. The Spring Festival is a time of renewal and hope, as people look forward to a prosperous and happy year ahead. It is a time to be with family and friends, and to remember and honor our ancestors. The Spring Festival truly brings people together and highlights the rich culture and traditions of China.
