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psv tearaway 攻略

psv tearaway 攻略

以下围绕“psv tearaway 攻略”主题解决网友的困惑


tear off 【非正式用语】To produce hurriedly and casually:匆匆地或随便地做成:tearing off article after news article.以。




vt.穿着;戴着;佩带着;涂抹(香水、化妆品)wear perfume(makeup,cologne)涂抹香水(化妆品,古龙水)(习惯性地)戴着(假发、眼镜等)wear glasses(a wig).。

Tear away from?什么意思啊?

Tear away from撕毁November 13, 2010: a father wipes a tear away from his child's face during a med。


撕掉领口的宝翎标志vilene是宝翎(德国的一种粘合衬,不用我多介绍了吧~)的意思frame是框架的意思,在这里特指衬衣上的标志 撕掉领口的宝翎标志vilene。


In our town of halloween I am the clown with the tear away face Here in a flash and gone without a t。

tear away from造句?

Tear yourself away from the computer and come out for a walk. 不要玩电脑了,到外面去走一走吧。 So, how about it? Can。


Introduction about every part of tea set:1.teapot2.serving container3.smaller tea cup4. iron kettle5。

英语表达中,tear off 和 tear away 的区别

tear off 【非正式用语】 To produce hurriedly and casually: 匆匆地或随便地做成: tearing off article after news articl。


There's a hero 这就是勇士 If you look inside you heart 如果你注视你的内心 You don't have to be afraid of w。