> 春节2024 > 过年买的东西怎么用英语说




1. Red lanterns - 红色灯笼

2. Chinese New Year couplets - 春联

3. Fu character - 福字

4. Firecrackers - 鞭炮

5. Dragon and lion dance - 舞龙舞狮



1. Melon seed - 瓜子

2. Candy - 糖果

3. Nut - 坚果

4. Rice cake - 年糕

5. Jiaozi - 饺子

6. Spring Festival couplets - 春联

7. Firework - 烟火

8. Maroon - 鞭炮

9. Fish - 鱼

10. Dumpling - 饺子



Spring Festival shopping list

春节购物清单用英语怎么说?答案就是Spring Festival shopping list。在春节期间,人们通常会购买很多物品来准备过年,比如食品、装饰品、年货等等。这个清单通常包括了过年必备的物品,如年糕、饺子、糖果、红包等等。每个家庭的春节购物清单会有所不同,但总体来说,目的都是为了让新年更加热闹、祥和和幸福。


1. Let off fire crackers (放鞭炮)

2. Pasting spring couplets (贴春联)

3. Watch spring festival gala on TV (看春节晚会)

4. Spend a joyful time with family (和家人一起度过快乐的时光)

5. Have a reunion dinner (团圆饭)


春节吃的食物 这句话用英语怎么说 - 小希? 的回答

Chinesenewyearfoodweusuallyeat或者ThefoodweeatinSpringfestival SpringFestivalfood去年春节我没有吃美味的食物。Ididn\'t eat a lot of delicious food last spring Festival. Chinesenewyearfood是春节期间我们通常吃的食物。在过年期间,人们会准备各种各样的美食,如饺子、年糕、鱼、糖果等等。这些食物不仅美味可口,更重要的是象征着吉祥如意,希望新年的生活甜蜜而丰盛。


Chinese Spring Festivals is on January 1 in lunar calendar, which is the beginning of a new year and a grand festival celebrated by Chinese people.

中国的春节在农历一月一日,是新一年的开始,这是举世瞩目的盛大节日,中国人民都会一起庆祝。Chinese Spring Festivals是指中国的春节,它是中国传统的农历新年,也是一个非常重要的节日。在农历一月一日这天,人们会举行各种各样的活动来庆祝新年的到来,如贴春联、放鞭炮、走亲访友等等。春节是中国人民最重要的节日之一,也是家人团聚和庆祝新年的时刻。


Spring Festival is the most important and popular festival in China. Before Spring Festival, the people will clean and decorate their houses. They will also buy new clothes and make delicious food to prepare for the coming of the new year. On New Year\'s Eve, families will gather together and have a big meal. After the meal, they will watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV and set off firecrackers to welcome the new year. During the Spring Festival, people will visit their relatives and friends, exchange gifts and red envelopes, and wish each other a happy and prosperous new year. The Spring Festival lasts for about 15 days, during which time people will also visit temples, participate in traditional cultural activities, and enjoy lion and dragon dances. Overall, the Spring Festival is a time of joy, reunion, and celebration in China.



My family enjoys eating dumplings during Spring Festival. On New Year\'s Eve, we will stick spring couplets and set off firecrackers to celebrate the new year. In addition, we will also visit relatives and friends, exchange gifts, and wish each other a happy and prosperous new year. The Spring Festival is a time for family reunion and joy, and we cherish these moments together.



Chinese Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. On this day, people will put up New Year pictures, Spring Festival couplets and lanterns to decorate their homes. They will also visit temples, participate in various cultural activities, and enjoy lion and dragon dances. The atmosphere is festive and lively. People will greet each other with blessings, exchange red envelopes, and wish for a prosperous and lucky new year. The Spring Festival is a time of joy, reunion, and celebration for the Chinese people.
